Montag, 2. Juli 2007

Did you know that,...

a lot of Asian Americans became very famous martial arts actors. For example there are guys like Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan.
But there are also other famous actors of Asian origin like Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angels) or George Takei (Star Trek)...

Did you know that,...

the L.A. Race Riots started because the death of a black girl? A Korean American shop owner shot the girl into the back of her head beacause he thought that the girl was going to steel a bottle of juice.

Did you know that,...

celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell for example gave racist statements on TV. She laughed about the chinese language as she said: Danny DeVito ching chong... drunk on TV ching chong...!
Another example for this category is Tim Hardaway who said on TV that he hates gay people.

Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio Interview with George Takei

Radio- show host: Mister Takei it is a pleasure to meet you.
George Takei: Well, it's a pleasure for me, too. Thank you.
Host: We want to talk about the incidents from last week as the famous NBA- Star Tim Hardaway attacked gay people on TV. He said: "Well you know, I hate gay people. I let it be known I don't like gay people. I don't like to be around gay people. I'm homophobic. It shouldn't be in the world, in the United States. I don't like it!" It isn't a secret that you are gay so what was your first reaction as you heared that this happened?
G. Takei: Well, I was pretty shocked that such a terrible statement was send on TV. Of course you should mean that such a famous man like Tim Hardaway wouldn't say such a thing in public. It ruines his reputation as a big NBA player in a way and he had to know that. There are always people who are against the gay community, but this example is pretty glaring.
Host: So when did you started to realize the response with the funny internet/TV production?
G. Takei: After a few moments it was clear that something had to happen. We had to reply on this statement so a few other gay people who I know and me started to think about a possible reaction. Well, we just thought that it's the best reaction when we won't react as serious as he presented his statement. That's the story!
Host: For those of you who don't know the video yet check it out on
Thank you for the Interview George it really was a pleasure to have you in the show.
G. Takei: Thank you! It was an honor.
Host: And now, the newest song from the Scissor Sisters! It's called "I don't feel like dancing"
G. Takei: It's only for you, Tim!

Did you know that,...

... Vincent Chins murderers were only forced to pay $ 3.700 dollars. An autoworker and his stepson killed Vince Chin on June 19th in 1982. They hurt him badly with a baseball bat so that he died a few moments later. Chin was mistaken for a Japanese who were blamed for the sagging US car industry. The Vincent Chin case ended in rallies and demonstrations of Asian Americans and was the reason for the formation of an Asian American Movement.

All 4 One - The Headhunter Company to free you from Racism!

Do you also want to have yout neighborhood cleaned of this racist bullshit? Then call us now!
Nobody has to live with such people and we ware the agency to arrange that!

Don't get scared of these guys, do something! Call All-4-One!

If you call now, you get two racists for the price of one!

Did you know that,...

... over 110.000 Japanese Americans were in the internment camps, some of them till 1946:
- some JAs died in these camps
- many were hurted
- families were splitted
- young men were forced to fight in the U.S. Army
- it was authorized by US- president Franklin D. Roosevelt
- now there is the Day of Remembrance to remember a dark part in US history


the victims of the riots
why are you so quiet ?
we pray for you

Many of them are dead
they found no love
they found no peace
no happiness instead

so now we think of you
remembering the pain
so that this won't happen again

17 facts about Asian American people in the USA

-> Korean-, Chinese-, Japanese-, Filipino- Americans are the biggest groups of Asian Americans in the USA
-> a lot of Chinese Americans immigrated because of the gold rush
-> the Philipines were a US- colony so they immigrated very easily until a law was ordered against the immigration of Asians
-> there were many laws against Asians in the USA
-> Asian Americans have many problems with racism both in the past and in the present
-> you distinguish two kinds of racism: - institutionalized racism
- "everyday" racism
-> famous cases of racism against Asian Americans: - Vincent Chin Murder (1982)
- the L.A. Race Riots in response to a shot of an AA shop owner at a black girl
-> during the L.A. Race Riots died many people and the murderers of Vincent Chin were only forced to pay $ 3.000 for Vincent's life
-> there were also VIPs who discriminated AAs or gay people in public: - Rosie O'Donnell
- Tim Hardaway
-> Virginia Tech Massacre in 2007 when a Korean American student killed over 30 people
-> many AAs were scared of reactions of hatred by other ethnic groups who were victims in this case
-> many AAs are discriminated against when they search a job
-> there are several AAs who became big stars in Hollywood for example Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu or Bruce Lee
-> there are also a lot of famous AA book writers for example Shawn Wong or Perry Miyake
-> in WW2 many Japanese Americans were brought into internement camps because the USA thought or seemed to think that they are spies for their enemy Japan
-> many young Japanese Americans were forced to fight against the Japanese troops in WW2
-> we learned a little bit chinese: - "shikatta ga nai" means "it can't be helped"
- "ganbatte" means "hold on"
- "kodomo no tameni" means "for the save of the children"

Wanted Poster of Tim Hardaway

Diary of a Japanese American teenager who was kept in an internment camp

Dear Diary,
this morning was horrible. We were brought to this camp a week ago and I thought I'd seen everything but today... fuck! Some Japanese demonstrated against their treatment in the camps, some of them were teenagers, just like me and then...
The military police shot at them. Three people who just reached my age died and another nine were wounded. You have to be very strong to survive in this camp. There is always somebody who watches you and so you're always the target of one of the gunmen on the security towers. An escape is next to impossible, everywhere are barb wire fences and the military forces are very powerful. But the young aren't as badly treated as the first generation Japanese Americans. I think the GIs believe that they're spies from Japan. Many of the older people were hurt badly and now the Americans say we schould fight for them in WW2. I don't like this idea but we don't have a choice. But on the other side, I was born in the USA and feel like an American. So I'm also proud to protect my country against enemies although the enemy is the country where my parents were born in.
Well, I think that's all I got to say for the moment!