Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio Interview with George Takei

Radio- show host: Mister Takei it is a pleasure to meet you.
George Takei: Well, it's a pleasure for me, too. Thank you.
Host: We want to talk about the incidents from last week as the famous NBA- Star Tim Hardaway attacked gay people on TV. He said: "Well you know, I hate gay people. I let it be known I don't like gay people. I don't like to be around gay people. I'm homophobic. It shouldn't be in the world, in the United States. I don't like it!" It isn't a secret that you are gay so what was your first reaction as you heared that this happened?
G. Takei: Well, I was pretty shocked that such a terrible statement was send on TV. Of course you should mean that such a famous man like Tim Hardaway wouldn't say such a thing in public. It ruines his reputation as a big NBA player in a way and he had to know that. There are always people who are against the gay community, but this example is pretty glaring.
Host: So when did you started to realize the response with the funny internet/TV production?
G. Takei: After a few moments it was clear that something had to happen. We had to reply on this statement so a few other gay people who I know and me started to think about a possible reaction. Well, we just thought that it's the best reaction when we won't react as serious as he presented his statement. That's the story!
Host: For those of you who don't know the video yet check it out on
Thank you for the Interview George it really was a pleasure to have you in the show.
G. Takei: Thank you! It was an honor.
Host: And now, the newest song from the Scissor Sisters! It's called "I don't feel like dancing"
G. Takei: It's only for you, Tim!

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